Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tithing does not guarantee prosperity

I just finished recording a radio broadcast for my listeners on “The Economic Barometer.”  I made a statement that startled some of my friends and we had a healthy debate on what I said.  I mentioned that tithing itself does not guarantee prosperity.  Some of my friends disagreed with me.  The argument made was that we are a blessed people by being faithful in our tithes.  I mentioned that is sounds logical to me.  Before anyone misunderstands me, I’m not against tithing, I believe that it is essential for one to tithe or give a portion of their earnings to a church or charity of their choice.  However, many reading this blog may be faithful in their tithes to a church or charity, yet lack in provisions.
This lack of provisions causes hardship for some wanting to move their family forward monetarily and many of us wish we had more money to have the niceties of life.  There is nothing wrong with having things.  It is possible to be a faithful in your tithe and still be broke.  It also can be said that you can have a clean and pure heart, yet have an empty hand.  If we focus on Deuteronomy 8:18A it states “But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth.”
The key word here is “ability.” What is ability? According to mirriam-webster’s dictionary is means physical, mental, or legal power to perform b : competence in doing : skill : natural aptitude or acquired proficiency
Though God has promised this in his word, we must remember the wealth creation is not inevitable it’s a possibility.  Your participation is required.  How can you participate? 
1)      Become financially literate
2)      Read books on wealth creation
3)      Understand the new rules of money that affect us
4)      Make a conscious decision to study God’s word on finances
What are some of your philosophies on money in the church?
Do you believe that tithing alone brings prosperity?
What is prosperity mean to you?
Felix R Garcia

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